Muslims Loves Jesus Blog Son of Mary: Promoting Unity and Service through Islamic Activism

Son of Mary: Promoting Unity and Service through Islamic Activism

Son of Mary is a non-profit grassroots effort dedicated to promoting Shia ithnia Ashari fundamentals, spreading dawah, and inviting others to appreciate the beauty and modernity of Islam. Our mission is to bridge the gap between different religious communities, with a particular focus on the greater Atlanta metropolitan area. By respecting and removing cultural barriers, we aim to preserve the essence of Islam and highlight its parallels with Christianity.

At the core of Son of Mary’s mission are various ministries of service, including education and literacy, charity work and social services, justice, healthcare, and economic development. These ministries will serve as the foundation for our efforts to bring about positive change in the community.

One of our primary goals is to become an institution that unifies different schools of thought within Islam and other religions. We believe that by removing divisive definitions and embracing the intrinsic nature of the teachings of the Holy Prophet, we can create a more universal understanding of Islam, as intended by Allah (swt).

Promoting Unity

Son of Mary recognizes the importance of unity among different religious communities. We believe that by fostering dialogue and understanding, we can build bridges between individuals of different faiths. Our activism aims to create an environment where people can come together, appreciate their shared values, and work towards common goals.

Ministries of Service

Education and literacy are vital for empowering individuals and communities. Son of Mary is committed to providing educational opportunities and promoting literacy in the Atlanta community. Through our charity work and social services, we aim to address the needs of the less fortunate and contribute to the overall well-being of society.

Justice is a fundamental principle in Islam, and Son of Mary seeks to promote justice in all its endeavors. We advocate for fairness and equality, striving to create a just society where everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources.

Healthcare is another area of focus for Son of Mary. We aim to improve access to healthcare services, especially for those who are underserved or marginalized. By working towards better healthcare outcomes, we contribute to the overall well-being of the community.

Economic development is essential for creating sustainable communities. Son of Mary supports initiatives that promote economic growth and empower individuals to become self-sufficient. By providing resources and opportunities, we aim to uplift the community and improve the quality of life for all.

Promoting the Essence of Islam

Son of Mary recognizes the need to preserve the essence of Islam while embracing modernity. We believe that by removing cultural barriers, we can focus on the core teachings of Islam and present them in a way that resonates with people from different backgrounds. Our aim is to showcase the universal values of Islam and highlight its compatibility with other faiths.

Through our grassroots efforts, Son of Mary seeks to create a more inclusive and understanding society. We believe that by promoting unity, serving the community, and embracing the essence of Islam, we can make a positive impact on the greater Atlanta metropolitan area and beyond.

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